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Landis Quality Living (LQL) announced recently the appointment of a new Board Member. Landis Quality Living’s Mission is to provide housing with services for adults to age in place and thrive in community.

Judy Zimmerman Herr brings a wealth of experiences to the LQL Board. Judy has extensive experience on numerous boards: East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church governing board; Advisory Board for the Center for Justice and Peacemaking at Eastern Mennonite University; and Agricultural Missions, a division of the National Council of Churches of USA. Her board responsibilities have included leadership roles and overseeing budgets, personnel, policies, and programming.

Judy has been active with Lancaster Downtowners board for six years, serving two years as President and currently serving as co-President.  

Judy received her B.A in English at Goshen College, and her Masters in Divinity at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Judy spent nearly 32 years with Mennonite Central Committee, including 15 years working in several locations in Africa and 17 years at MCC headquarters in Akron as Co-Director of the MCC International Peace Office. Her work there included resourcing MCC’s peacebuilding work around the world, and carrying Mennonite relationships with ecumenical bodies including the World Council of Churches. In addition, she did staff work for MCC International Programs strategic planning and helped develop the planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting system used in all MCC international programs. Judy’s last role with MCC was serving five years as Area Director in Nairobi, Kenya.

After arriving back in the United States, she worked as the Visa Task Force Coordinator for Mennonite World Conference, followed by work with Tabor Community Services as a Supportive Services Coordinator.

“Strengths I bring to the Landis LQL Board include my awareness of the needs of older adults and my connections to and interest in Lancaster City,” Judy says. “In addition, my past employment in supportive services in tax-credit properties via Tabor Community Services and my skills in organizational management and planning give the experience needed to serve on this board.”

“I look forward to Judy joining the Landis Quality Living Board,” says Evon Bergey, Vice President of Operations/COO of Landis Communities. “She brings a wealth of inter-cultural and international experience that will enhance the work of our board.”

Keith Stuckey, Board Chair of LQL, adds, “The Landis Quality Living board is eager to welcome Judy Zimmerman Herr to our work. Judy’s significant experience providing housing, meaning and fulfillment in urban living, working as a minority person in multiple international settings will enhance LQL’s service to our communities.”

Judy currently resides in Lancaster City. She has two grown sons, and she attends East Chestnut Street Mennonite Church.

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